Modern Slavery


What is ‘Modern Slavery’?

Modern Slavery is a serious and often hidden crime in which people are exploited for criminal gain. Modern slavery comprises of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.

Organisational Structure and Supply Chains

Most of the firms that we deal with are insurers who provide the capacity for us to write business, nearly all are based within the UK and are scrutinised during our due diligence process to ensure that we believe they are safe.

Due Diligence

As part of our due diligence process we check the credibility of each firm to ensure that we feel that they are doing their upmost to abide by the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

As part of our due diligence we check whether the firm is credible (within the news), their solvency margin, their accounts, their permissions etc.

RCIB and Modern Slavery

RCIB acknowledges its responsibility to respect human rights in its operations and conducts its business in compliance with applicable employment regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates. The Staff Handbook sets out protections for RCIB employees and their rights it emphasises that:

RCIB is committed to upholding the right of freedom of association and respects the rights of its employees to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work, including health and safety protections, and is committed to providing adequate information and training on health and safety and wellbeing issues.

In addition, RCIB promotes diversity and inclusion by prohibiting any form of discrimination between current, past or prospective staff on the basis of age, race, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status or disability through its Equality and Diversity policy statement. Within RCIB, Human Resources are responsible for documenting the Companies’ diversity and inclusion plans. Such plans are to be submitted to The Board annually with an assessment of the accomplishments, issues and needs arising.

Annual Statement

During the year ended 31st December 2023 RCIB can confirm that we have had no instances, violations or reports relating to modern slavery. We can also confirm that we have had no concerns as to our supply chains or with the suppliers individually. This statement was approved by Right Choice Insurance Brokers Board on 6th February 2024.

Signature - Darren Joseph, Chief Operating Officer, Right Choice Insurance Brokers

Darren Joseph

Managing Director
Right Choice Insurance Brokers
14th February 2024


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