If you have previously chosen not to have your policy automatically renewed by us, then you can manually renew online by clicking the 'Renew' button
Renew my policy
How can I opt out of the automatic renewal on my breakdown membership?
You can easily opt out of the automatic renewal online by clicking the 'Opt Out of Tacits' button.
Can I cover myself rather than my vehicle?
If you are the only person who drives your vehicle then you may benefit from switching to personal based cover. Click the 'Personal Cover' button to get a quote with our sister company called AutoAid Breakdown.
I do not want to renew my membership for a further term, how do I action this?
If you no longer wish to renew your cover for another term you can action this online by clicking the 'Lapse Policy' button
I want to cancel my policy
If you would like to cancel your policy, you can action this online by clicking the 'Cancel My Policy' button